A marvellous self-service trailer bar

This project is five tiny triangle trailers that constitute a flexibly train bar which contains multiple functions, holds a narrative of retelling an otherworldly life of the things in glass cup based on their motions’ moments through a making drinks process that presented on each trailer space in surrealism form. It is a conceptural proposal that considering the trailer space as host to provide areas for holding our daily activities such as a date, teatime, and rest.


Dropping coins to make your preference drinks during the train journey

Selecting your preference glass cup for making beverages in next spaces and enjoy the time in exploring those familiar stuffs in marvellous

In this time, the thing in the glass is in gestation, waiting for next grow up

Metaphor: Whole stuffs show in transparency, implying the glass condition with ice cubes or water in static

ACT 1: Prologue

Glass Cups Design


Rising Action

Adding your favorite base ingredients in your choice glass cup enjoy the time in exploring illusion views and some differences that may hint cues

In this time, with interacting with, the thing in the glass begin to form its own characterics

Metaphor: Furniture show in melting, implying with ingredients adding, the glass condition will from static change in motions


Mixing Motions

Adding your favorite main ingredients and mixing with base ingredients, exploring exciting mixing moments in your glass cup and enjoy the time during experience a marvellous space

In this time, with more interaction, the thing in the glass grows up in its unique characteristics

Metaphor: whole space in capturing the ingredients dropping down, mixing moments, implying the glass condition in different ingredients mixing motions

Physical Model

Drinks Bar Scene


Falling Action

Stirring or tasting your drinks, if you like, you can also refill some ingredients, you can enjoy your drinks alone, empty your mind as well exploring illusion views

In this time, while you have drunk some, the liquid is gradually decreasing in the glass and begins to back the glass original

Metaphor: Furniture show in melting with different colors and forms, implying with drinking, the glass condition will appear a part of its transparency

ACT 3:



Finishing your drinks, if you like, you can drop coins to buy your preference stuffs that you have met in former spaces

In this time, when you finish your drinks, there may some remnants mixing with the ice cubes

Metaphor: Furniture shows in melting with glass and some colors, implying the thing in the glass becomes remnants conditions and finishes its life journey

Glass Stuffs Renderings

Inspiration & Concept

The inspiration is from my making drinks process, I was attracted on various moments during observing different ingredients mixing and form a series of liquid motions, then summarized the process in three main conditions: static, mixing and remnants. For corresponding three conditions, I planned to link exposition, climax and denouement that is the main plots in narrative structure, which could form a narrative through our interaction with drinks, and considered more on based each step actions to link some activities that make the train bar form multiple functions.

Act 1 space combining with the static glass condition, which is the beginning of our action that add ice cubes. At that time, as there are no other ingredients added in, the whole glass is present in a pure and transparent form. It seems like the thing in here is in gestation, waiting for next grow up by we interact more.

Act 2 space corresponding to the mixed moments, which is the climax in narrative, is the moment the story of conflict peaks, that is the action of pouring the liquid into another, it is the most exciting moments to see two ingredients mix. Both are rising actions with an active emotion, this space is the main part and plan to make it more exaggerated and marvelous that distinct than other spaces.

Act 3 space linking with remnants condition, set in the end of narrative, is after the climax, during a falling action and finally arrive to the denouement. Both are a calm down emotion and the glass condition will gradually return to the static condition, its style similar to the act one space, while the difference is inside having some color represent the remnants.


La Madeleine Flower Market /2023


Iron Art Archival Space /2022