Iron Art Archival Space

This project is located on 520 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, which is an archival space displaying iron art expressions on the past and in contemporary. The main design concept is retaining some traditional features and original appearance from the building, mixing with some modern elements, creating different experiences and exhibition ways for people interact in the space. The space is divided into two main sessions, in front is to show the expression of iron in contemporary art and the space will more contains people's engagement. Another in behind is linking iron collections from the past and with some installations and transforming some 2d archives into 3d to create different experiences for visitors. And in the middle part of the building is a zone of transition to link these two parts. The whole space is divided in seven parts which form a journey together and make connection in each space.

Architecture Facade

Front Facade

Back Facade


Host_A marvellous self-service trailer bar /2023


Childishness_Kindergarten Space /2021