Remnants & Dining

Plastic, PVC, resin,

Variable size 


‘Remnants’ and ‘Dining’ is a series of material practice that presents pieces of beverages making by natural dyes with people drinking diet interaction. Color is one of important characteristics for the first impressions by consumers, while usually people may miss some unexpected motions when they interact with the daily objects. Through changing the similar stuffs in strange forms, offering an extraordinary visual experience, becoming a presence that could not be neglected, prompting people to pause, appreciate, find artistry in ephemeral moments of daily life. The work used plastic and heat shrink imitate the glass products that common apply in drinks, and with resin to add colors on the surface. Additionally, the forms of plastic products were changed its original characteristics and recreated some abstract shapes that imitated the movements of mixing ingredients in the making drinks process which shows a series flow motion.


Liquid Colors


Sweet Landscape